Fulvic & Humic Acids

The Natural Soil Enhancer & Foliar Feed

Humic Acid

Humic acid is a naturally occurring organic substance rich in carbon used to promote soil health, increase nutrient availability, and stimulates the microbial activity the soil. Liquefied Humic is available in 1000L totes ready to be loaded into your Sprayer.

Fulvic Acid

Fulvic acid is derived from humic acid. Fulvic acid has a much smaller molecule that allows it to better gain access to the plant and help transport valuable nutrients directly to the plant more efficiently. Fulvic acid also comes in 1000L totes that are field ready.

Whether you are looking to increase profits or increase the health of your soil, whatever your motivation Humic and Fulvic acids have a place on your Farm. Contact us to let to find out more!